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Mine are put to bed in their room at 8:00pm...They're up around 8:00am. Levi gets very grumpy if he doesn't get 12hours, and there's nothing worse than a grumpy Linnie!:giggle:
Mine went to bed early tonight. Almost 2 hours earlier than usual. Tweety had done his screeches and ear piercing squawks ALL DAY LONG today. It's only 8:30 here and their usual bedtime is 11. All of them are quiet except Tweety. Maybe I need to rethink their bedtime. Could be part of Tweety's screaming problem. :eek: Either that or I need to get room darkening shades.

I can hear him under the cage cover "squeaking" at me now. :yikes: They know what "go to bed, night night" means. He just doesn't want to. I swear that bird could go 24/7.

Could it still be hormones, this time of year, in the US? :shrug:
My birds have a very crazy schedule. Most of the time they are in bed by 10 - 11pm. l uncover them around 11 to noon.
Other times they are in bed anytime from 8:30pm to midnight and uncovered 10 to 12 hours later from when they where covered.
Wow everyone's birds are night owls. Millie and Niblet settle onto their sleeping perches between 6 and 7 pm. Millie is always the one who calls me for the blanket and seeing I cover the cages together now, Niblet goes to sleep at the same time. They will usually sleep until 7 or 7:30am.
They also have a quick nap between noon and 1pm.
My three Budgies get covered every night around 8 PM and uncovered at 9 AM. They get plenty of sleep and usually do not nap during the day. :whitefacedbluebudgi

My little baby Sun Conure that I am had feeding naps all during the day and gets it's last feeding just before midnight then sleeps until around 8 AM:sun2:
Mine are between 8-9 pm and are back up by 6am. Because I am an even earlier riser, my Hahn's will softly flock call to me at 4:30 am with "kiss kiss" noises to see if I am up and wont stop until I make the sounds back. Then she goes back to sleep!
i try to give my birds 12hrs sleep because Rista (the senegal) can be really..well horomonal if she doesnt get enough sleep and theyre ALL cranky if they dont get at LEAST 10 hrs sleep :p

so they goto bed at about 6-630pm and wake up around 6:30am the one day i get to sleep in (usually saturday) they get to goto sleep later and wake up around 9ish
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